Multiplier Events

Our so-called „Multiplier Events“ took place in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, and Bulgaria in 2020 and 2021. They showcased the SKIVRE outcome and tested single training units on the SKIVRE eLearning platform during the events with the participants. Additionally, the eight videos, more than 30 good practices, the implementation guide, and the publication on historic crafts from monasteries were presented and discussed.

If you are representing a monastery or a monastery shop, you can organise an event, arrange a training day or single training sessions with any of the SKIVRE project partners. You can find examples of such training sessions in our blog.

We develop tailor-made training sessions and information events according to your individual needs, integrating SKIVRE materials.

For further information please contact skivre(at) . In order to give you some inspiration, please see examples of previous events below.  

Athens, Greece

February 26th, 2021



















19 February 2021

Our Austrian partner Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich offered an online training event:
















Belgium ( and worldwide!)

19 February 2021

Our project partner Future for Religious Heritage (Brussels / Belgium) offered an online webinar on skills development for religious heritage valorisation. Lilian Grootswagers and Jordi Mallarach presented all the SKIVRE instruments and training tools. More 












26 October 2020, Sofia

The Bulgarian capital Sofia hosted the Bulgarian Multiplier Event organized by INI-Novation Bulgaria Ltd.  Participants were representatives from different sectors such as tourism, regional development, students at the Faculty of Theology at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, representatives of monastic shops and retailers offering monastic products, as well as other stakeholders interested in the topic “Development of skills for the valorization of European religious heritage and good practice”.

A detailed description you will find in the SKIVRE blog.


Germany / Deutschland

16.-18. Oktober 2020, Kloster Pforta / Landesschule Pforta

Anlässlich der Tagung “Klosterlandschaften der Zisterzienser – Forschung – Inwertsetzung – Vermittlung” veranstalteten die deutschen SKIVRE-Partner media k GmbH und Kloster Bronnbach einen SKIVRE-Trainingstag am 17. Oktober 2020. Dieser fand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem europäischen Projekt “Cisterscapes Connecting Europe” statt. Mehr dazu finden Sie im SKIVRE-Blog.

Das Programm finden Sie hier.