Project meetings are mainly focused on administrative and content related issues – this is the same with the SKIVRE project. However, our SKIVRE team decided that we would like to get more out of a meeting and agreed that we try to complement the meetings with study visits to places and examples relevant for monastic product development. Our SKIVRE meeting in Athens in March 2020 was excellently complemented and accompanied[…]
>>read more<<Tag: monastery
“A good monastic product must be an ambassador of monastic culture”
What actually makes a good monastic product? SKIVRE spoke to someone who needs to know: Martin Erdmann has been responsible for the catalogue “Gutes aus Klöstern” at the German company “Manufactum” for about 20 years – and thus for a very special niche market. SKIVRE: Since 2000 you have been instrumental in building up a market for monastic products in Germany. How would you characterize this market today? What are[…]
>>read more<<Best practice: Sweet Shop at Santa Caterina Monastery in Palermo
The location couldn’t be better for the Christian-Arab-Norman heritage of Sicilian Palermo: Piazza Bellini is where cultures and epochs meet, and with them the city’s rich culinary heritage. “I segreti del Chiostro” (“The secrets of the cloister”) is an initiative which rediscovers the ancient traditions of monastic pastry. Sicily’s baking, even though it has its roots in ancient times such as the Greek colonization or the Arab domination, was born[…]
>>read more<<Wanted: good practices for monastic products
The SKIVRE team is already working on a training programme to enable staff, monks, and nuns in European monasteries to successfully develop and market monastic products. We are looking for good practices! But what is a good practices? Assuming you are an employee in a monastery or monastery shop, then you certainly have products in your range that are particularly popular with customers. Tell us about it! Or, however, as[…]
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